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About us

Whether you're looking for spray cans for graffiti, freestyle scooters, skateboards, longboards, roller skates, or other riding accessories, we certainly have what you need

JF Ride Shop | Montreux

 Located at Rue du Marché 16, 1820 Montreux (Switzerland), JF Ride Shop Sàrl will welcome you with great pleasure in its small local shop. You can find all the products available on the online shop, but also some products exclusively available in the physical store.

Une adresse doit être spécifiée pour qu'une carte soit intégrée

Horaires / Opening Hours :



Lundi (Monday): Fermé/Closed
Mardi (Tuesday): 14h00 - 18h30
Mercredi (Wednesday): 14h00 - 18h30
Jeudi (Thursday): Temporairement fermé
Vendredi (Friday): 14h00 - 18h30
Samedi (Saturday) : 10h00 - 17h00
Dimanche (Sunday): Fermé/Closed

Il s'agit des horraires standards, pour les exceptions, merci de consulter la fiche google

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us via our contact form ,  or by mail or by phone/WhatsApp at 079/330.80.03.

About JF Ride Shop LLC

JF Ride Shop Sàrl was created in October 2021 as a result of the association between Joel M. and Jérémie M., two brothers who wanted to have a positive impact on the world of ride and share their passions.

JF Ride Shop, which stands for J. Family Ride Shop, with the main slogan "Because Ride is a big family." This emphasizes the fact that there is no discrimination between ride sports, and that respect for athletic performance is key. Our goal: to push ride sports forward by offering quality equipment at competitive prices and advice for everyone! Whether you are a beginner or a pro, a skateboarder or a scooter rider, if you want good equipment, you will find it at JF Ride Shop. 

For any client/legal communication by mail, please use the address in Montreux..

The company is registered as an LLC in the Commercial Register of Fribourg, and its registered office is located at Champ-au-rey, 1673 Rue.

History before foundation

J&F Skateboards est un nom créé mi-2017 par Joël passionné d'ébénisterie et de skate ainsi que de Frank tatoueur, fan de dessin, de tatouage et de skate.

2017-2019 : Amis et dans un esprit d’entre-aide, Joël est aux commandes du petit magasin nommé « JF-Skateboards » à 1673 Rue, celui-ci propose des skates/longboards artisanaux, trottinette freestyle et graffiti et Frank représente désormais principalement sa propre enseigne « Ink me More Tattoo » toujours dans les mêmes locaux au jour de la rédaction de cette article.

2020-2021 : Joël est rejoint par son frère Jérémie M. passionné d’informatique et de sports extrêmes qui propose de donner un coup de main pour développer le nom JF-skateboards en Suisse/France, sur la toile du web et d’aider pour le développement et le lancement d' un nouveau prototype de sport de ride. C'est sur cette lancée, que JF-Skateboards devient une marque officiel et s'offre un nouveau départ à Montreux. Le début de l'histoire de JF Ride Shop Sàrl voit ainsi le jour à Montreux mi-2021.

Joël Meuwly, Manager Président

Founder of JF-Skateboards and JF Ride Shop. With several years of experience as an independent salesperson and carpenter, Joel was the initiator of the vision for our company. Without his unparalleled tenacity and idealistic vision, this company would never have come into being.

Jérémie Meuwly, Associate manager

Co-founder of JF-Skateboards and JF Ride Shop, Telecom Technician. ES, Jérémie has been able to propel the company by digitizing it and supporting our founder in administrative/financial tasks as well as providing advice, support, and development for the management of our business.